Date & Time
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
The Department of Physics is home to a dedicated team of faculty, students, researchers, and staff who have devoted themselves to learning, studying, teaching, and investigating the laws of physics and how they affect everything we do in the universe that we live in. Attendees will get to meet the current physics faculty and most importantly they will meet and talk with current students who will explain their research contributions and explain how they chose to pursue a degree in physics. Attendees will learn about both the Honours Physics and Honours Medical Physics programs. Attendees will be introduced to the Physics Club student organization, and tour the MRI laboratory, the biomedical physics laser laboratory, the attosecond science laser laboratory, the Baker Foundation Laboratory for Medical Physics Education, and hear theoretical physics students explain their projects. Skills acquired by these physics students will be discussed and how these skills lead to successful and rewarding jobs in a vast variety of careers will be explained. Take this opportunity to not just hear about a physics degree, but to meet our current cohort of physics students and see what it is that physicists actually do.
Location Name
Essex Hall, Rm. 287
Full Address
401 Sunset Ave
Windsor ON N9B 3P4
Session Type
Academic Presentation