You and your family are invited to UWindsor's Spring Open House!

About the Event

Future UWindsor students and their families are invited to join us at the University of Windsor's Spring Open House on Saturday, April 5 from 10:00am – 2:00pm.

Prospective student and their influencers will learn why the University of Windsor is an exceptional choice for academic opportunities, campus life and student support.  

We welcome all visitors to campus, where we can work together to foster meaningful engagement and experiences for everyone.

Top Reasons to Attend Open House

  • Attend presentations to learn about your programs of interest
  • Meet with UWindsor faculty, staff, and current students at information booths
  • Experience UWindsor clubs at the Student Hub
  • Take a campus tour
  • See Residence Buildings
  • Visit the Toldo Lancer Centre

Attend Spring Open House for a Chance to Win Free Tuition!

Prospective students who register for and check-in at Spring Open House will be entered to win one (1) x $10,000 tuition voucher, plus an entry into the Grand Prize draw of two (2) semester tuition fees, accommodation, meal plan and a text book credit!

For full contest rules, click here.